Until The Last Child exists so that every child in Canada who needs a healthy, permanent home with a nurturing family gets one at the earliest opportunity. We work alongside Child Welfare Agencies by supporting and funding innovation.

Our Pilot Projects

Bringing Families Together Manitoba Pilot Project (2015-2018)
The Manitoba Pilot Project is a two year pilot with the objective of increasing permanency opportunities for children in care.

Finding, Keeping, and Honouring Connections Pilot Project (2012-2014)
Post Permanency Support Program (2017-2018)
A two-year pilot to improve outcomes for children and youth in care in Guelph.

Kinship Search Program (2015)
FACSFLA is a Children’s Aid Society in Southeast Ontario with offices in Kingston, Napanee, Northbrook and Sharbot Lake.

Kinship Search Program (2015)
A partnership to increase opportunities for permanency in family based care and life long connections.

Research Project (2014-2015)
Developing a best practice model for post-permanency support in Ontario.

Board of Directors
The Hon. Kenneth E. Pedlar
Justice Superior Court of Ontario, Family Court
Faith Goodman BSc, BEd, MBA, ICD.D
Chief Executive Officer, Goodman Sustainability Group
Kate Torrance
Director, Integrated Brand Marketing at SickKids Foundation
Natasha Walji
Head of Industry CPG, Google Canada
Alison King
President, Media Profile
Ken Purdy
Principal, Purdy Consulting
Dayanand Naraine
Vice President Finance, Planning and Analysis, CIBC Mellon
Irwin Elman
2008-2013 Child Advocate for the Province of Ontario

Irwin Elman
UTLC Global Strategic Advisor, 2008-2013 Province of Ontario Child Welfare Advocate
Daren Millard
Canadian Sportscaster for Sportsnet
Daniel Moore
Child Welfare Strategic Advisor (Formerly CEO of Family & Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County)
Terry O’Reilly
Author, Speaker & CBC Radio Host
Geoffrey Rowan
Partner/Managing Director, Ketchum
Paul Seaman
Advisor, Indigenous Initiatives and Partnerships (Lawyer, Gowling WLG)
Barb Tighe
Ambassador of Adoptive Parent’s and Advocate for Child Welfare
Professor Brad McKenzie
Faculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba
Advisory Committees

Irwin Elman
UTLC Global Strategic Advisor (former two term Ontario Provincial Child Advocate)
Michael Blugerman
Co-Chair, UTLC Child Welfare Advisory Committee
Executive Director, Children’s Resource & Consultation Centre of Ontario
Kelly Stone
Stone Management Consulting and effective July 2014,
Executive Director FRP Canada (Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs)
Elsie Flette
Former CEO of the Southern First Nations Network of Care
Daniel Moore
Former Executive Director, Family and Children’s Services Guelph Wellington

Elsie Flette
Co- Chair, Former CEO of the Southern First Nations Network of Care
Paul Seaman
Co- Chair, Partner, Gowling WLG
Kelly Campagnola
Associate, Gowling WLG
Wayne Helgason
Former President, Center for Aboriginal Human Resource Development
Kenn Richard
Executive Director, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto
Corbin Shangreaux
Consultant, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Services

Richard Laszlo
Chair, UTLC Government and Stakeholder Relations Committee
President, Laszlo Energy Services
Mark Spiro
Partner, Crestview Strategy
Ginny Movat
Senior Consultant, Crestview Strategy
Devyn LeDonne
Marketing and Operations Manager, Until The Last Child

Leslie Roos
Chair, PhD, Assistant Professor University of Manitoba Department of Psychology
Dr. Philip Burge
Professor, Humber College of Technology and Advanced Learning
Adjunct Appointment at Queen’s University
Specialized in mental health
Dr. Marcia Anderson
MD MPH FRCPC, Assistant Professor
Departments of Community Health Sciences and Internal Medicine, University of Manitoba
Executive Director, Indigenous Academic Affairs
Ongomiizwin Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing
Dr. Nicole Letourneau
RN PhD FCAHS, ACHF Chair in Parent-Infant Mental Health
RESOLVE Alberta Director & Principal Investigator, CHILD Studies Program
Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary
Dr. Laura K. Noll
PhD, Assistant Professor
Department of Psychological Sciences, Northern Arizona University